Staffing trends of employment statuses varyīoth part time and per diem statuses have different implications for staffing. The down side is if you need some amount of steady income, you may need more than one per diem position to obtain the income you need. The benefits of per diem are more freedom in scheduling your hours and an increase in hourly pay. One week there might be 40 hours for you and the following week there may be no hours for you. You are not technically guaranteed any hours and your position is one that is used for substitute coverage, such as sick calls, vacation or FMLA.
Even if you work full time, the status you were hired into is per diem. Per diem status might be noted as a 0.1 FTE. Per diem: Per diem means “as needed.” In a per diem role you are not guaranteed hours, usually work less than full time and sometimes do not receive benefits. With part-time employment, you may be responsible for paying a higher amount of your healthcare benefits compared to that of a full-time employee. It also may improve work-life integration with less stress. Part-time work gives you more freedom to do other things in your life, such as time with family or going back to school. Benefits of part-time employment are mainly around time. In the case of low census, you would get “credit” for the unworked portion of your FTE to keep you at your hired part-time status. Between you and your employer, you are scheduled hours based on the status and FTE you were hired to fill. Part-time employees are usually scheduled, however, fewer shifts than a full-time employee. This determination usually affects benefits eligibility. Always check with your human resources department to give you the final word on this for your organization.

Part time for one employer may be considered full time by another. Part time: Part time definition varies by employer as state and federal governments do not decide what constitutes part or full time. If you were hired to work three 12-hour shifts, you are a 0.9 FTE (even if you work overtime or frequently reach 40 hours). If you work 40 hours per week, you are a 1.0 FTE. I always recommend reviewing your state requirements.įull time: FTE stands for Full Time Equivalent. I compiled generalized information, so don’t forget there are some state nuances. Part time vs per diem definedįirst, its best to start with defining a few terms. What is the difference between part time vs per diem? This is important to understand so you can pick the right role for you. To each their own! We are all just grateful you are actively working in the profession. Maybe you want to travel and see the world. You could be a new parent and want to stay at home more, or maybe you are close to retirement but still want to be actively employed.
Working part time or per diem is a great way to keep your license active and work at a level that allows you time for other things in your life. In addition to all the different practice areas is the ability to flex your work time. Nursing is a great profession with many avenues to pursue, such as working part time vs per diem! Editor’s note: Author, Jennifer Mensik, does not endorse, recommend or favor any program, product or service advertised or referenced on this website, or that appear on any linkages to or from this website.